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Public Opinion vs Beekeepers

In February I conducted a set of two surveys. They didn't have all the bells and whistles of top level research. They were both simple multiple choice online questionnaires. The response from the general public, and from beekeepers was fantastic. I have uploaded the results to this post so the individuals that participated can share the results.

Survey 1:

15 Questions aimed at individuals (over 18) with access to outdoor space in their own homes. Survey Capped after 75 results.

Survey 2:

10 Questions written following a review of Survey 1 results. Aimed at beekeepers globally who kept hives at home. Capped after 85 results when trends became apparent. Went on to return 200 responses globally without changing trends.

Rationale: Once clear trends in public opinion were established following Survey 1, Beekeepers were asked their opinion as a comparison in Survey 2 to see differing opinion (if any) between those who keep bees and those who don't.

(get in touch : for more info about survey and full breakdown of results.

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