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New Designers 2016

Setting Up for New Designers 2016 proved to be excellent fun. I decided to take my fathers exhibition hive along with my bait hive prototype. Previously I used one of my bait hives with a perspex window to show off the bees. However, I had to climb over allot of red tape before the building even considered the idea of me bringing live bees to the exhibition. I had to take out insurance (thankyou BBKA), do drop testing, take out prescriptions for epi pens etc etc the list goes on. So I decided to take the wooden hive over my window hive. You can see my lovely queen (the star of the show) before everything kicked off with the exhibition. Having the queen so clearly on display was great fun, as most members of the public were quite surprised that queens are not, in fact the size of a flying cows.

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